It’s been an action packed season so this year we are going to celebrate it in style. We are going bring everyone together and recognise achievements at big event at our home in a marquee. To get best value from a marquee and rather than spend £80+ on a ticket elsewhere (it will be significantly cheaper) we are going to make it a weekend of fun but also importantly raise money specifically for our club improvements, including fencing, a path to Northgate for juniors, astro laid outside the gate and perhaps even a new scoreboard.
Friday May 16th - the evening will be Junior Club awards and party in a marquee, parents are encouraged to join in and enjoy the evening.
Saturday morning - fun junior games, snacks and drinks available from the marquee.
Saturday May 17th afternoon – adults hockey 7 a-side fun teams (doctors+vets 7, committee 7, U18s, Farmers 7, sponsors 7, goalkeepers 7 etc.) This will finish in good time to allow folks to get home and changed.
Saturday May 17th evening – awards dinner and party. We are trying to get best value for a ticket price with the catering options, to help with that we aim to run our own bar ensuring profits go towards the work we need doing; there will of course be music, speeches, party frocks, raffle and all the usual evening events including the annual Foxy speech.
Next steps… we will be launching the tickets on the app soon / start thinking about your 7 aside team, if you don’t know many folk at the club yet then let your captain know you are interested and they will help you get involved in a team.
This is a big investment in time and by dropping the price significantly from previous years we really do want to pack the place out and would love to see ALL the teams, juniors and vets represented and enjoying the day /evening.