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2nd July, Northgate Festival of Sport

2nd July, Northgate Festival of Sport

James Ward25 Jun - 07:20
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Can you help our neighbours and get more players into the game?

Our neighbours, Northgate School have recently relaid their astroturf. It's a 3/4 size pitch and we're hoping to use it this season for junior training (and more) if our numbers keep swelling and one day wouldn't it be great to extend it and have 2 pitches....

On July 2nd Northgate have a festival of sport The morning runs from 9:00am-1:00pm and approx 1,000 students from years 7-10 will be encouraged to try a range of different sports.

Northgate have asked if we can help and run some introduction to hockey sessions, essentially 30 min slots welcoming children to the game.

Can you help, even for an hour? Hockey really does need schools in the state system playing and if you can find the time then please let me know at

Further reading